About Me

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Behind Every Cloud is a Kindred Spirit (BECKS)I lost my grandfather when I was 17. I had a VERY difficult time getting over it. How could I still communicate with him? I loved him so much I didn't think I could live without him. I read everything I could get my hands on to do with the "afterlife" and that started it all...the love of Ghost Hunting and the Paranormal. I have been researching the paranormal for over 37 years!! It is my way of staying in touch with my grandfather. Being a Ghost Hunter is not always as exciting as it seems on TV. Many nights I have sat in the dark and not a thing happened. BUT it is those times you DO get that one voice, that one explainable picture or have an experience that sends chills down your back that makes it sooo worth it all!!! My purpose of this blog is not to make people believe in ghosts but maybe to open their minds just a little bit... I LOVE this crazy thing called Ghost Hunting. It is as much a part of me as breathing. I am just a girl that refuses to accept we can't still contact our loved ones after they die. My grandfather won't let me.


Lights, Action and I made it to the movies!

In Theaters Oct. 3rd, 2024!!

Well, I’ve been keeping a secret but now I can talk about it! This has nothing to do with the house, but I just had to share.
Over the summer, I had an opportunity to film with YouTubers Sam and Colby for a motion picture movie!! Yep, grab your popcorn and sit in front of a big screen kind of movie!
That’s right, Deak and I will be flying to Los Angeles next week for the premier of the Legends of Skinwalker Ranch. We get to walk the red carpet and everything!!! WTH? Me on the Red Carpet!!!
So excited!
Tickets are on now!

The Legend of Skinwalker Ranch 

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