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Behind Every Cloud is a Kindred Spirit (BECKS)I lost my grandfather when I was 17. I had a VERY difficult time getting over it. How could I still communicate with him? I loved him so much I didn't think I could live without him. I read everything I could get my hands on to do with the "afterlife" and that started it all...the love of Ghost Hunting and the Paranormal. I have been researching the paranormal for over 37 years!! It is my way of staying in touch with my grandfather. Being a Ghost Hunter is not always as exciting as it seems on TV. Many nights I have sat in the dark and not a thing happened. BUT it is those times you DO get that one voice, that one explainable picture or have an experience that sends chills down your back that makes it sooo worth it all!!! My purpose of this blog is not to make people believe in ghosts but maybe to open their minds just a little bit... I LOVE this crazy thing called Ghost Hunting. It is as much a part of me as breathing. I am just a girl that refuses to accept we can't still contact our loved ones after they die. My grandfather won't let me.



HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year EVERYONE!!!!!!!  Hope you had a safe and Happy New Year!   Let's make this year even BIGGER and MORE EXCITING with more ghost stories and investigations!  I'll do my part of writing if you do your part and keep on reading!  LOL
So, right before Christmas, we were doing some Christmas shopping in a small town just about 30 minutes from me called Grapevine, Texas.  Now, Grapevine has  one of those charming "old town" streets where everything stays the same as it did in years past.  I LOVED IT!!!!  Even though this little town is really close for me, I have just never taken the time to check it out. 
Now there have been many reports of hauntings on Grapevine Main Street, so you know me....I took my trusted camera along.....JUST IN CASE!  In October 1843, General Sam Houston and fellow Republic of Texas Commissioners camped at Tah-Wah-Karro Creek, also known as Grape Vine Springs, to meet with leaders of 10 Indian nations.This meeting culminated in the signing of a treaty of "peace, friendship, and commerce," which opened the area for homesteaders. The settlement that emerged was named Grape Vine due to its location on the appropriately-named Grape Vine Prairie near Grape Vine Springs, both names an homage to the wild grapes that grew in the area. 
The first recorded white settlement in what would become the modern city occurred in the late 1840s and early 1850s. General Richard Montgomery Gano owned property near Grape Vine and helped organize the early settlement against Comanche raiding parties before leading his band of volunteers to battle in the American Civil War.
One of the documented stories that I found interesting is that on Christmas morning of 2011, AOL News (Huffington Post Crime) and the Associated Press reported that, after the receipt of an open-ended 911 call, all seven individuals (four women and three men, aged 15 to 60) in an apartment in a complex in suburban Grapevine (said to be most likely family members with related visitors) were found murdered, with the shooter, a man dressed as Santa Claus, believed to be one of the deceased extended family members. It was the worst incident of its kind ever in the Grapevine area and the first homicide since June 2010, according to police spokesman Sgt. Robert Eberling.
Anyway, this little town has tons of very historical connections to the past and some famous people in it that "weren't so nice" but I don't have time to list them all.
As you stroll down Main Street you come upon this small "house like" concert structure.  It looks very out of place but...oh well.  It turns out it is the first Grapevine Jail built in 1909.
One of the MOST unusual sites in Grapevine is the presence of a hearse right smack in the middle of town!  Now it is enclosed in a glass case but STILL.......A HEARSE?  Can you say.... C R E E P Y!!!!   The Historical Commission has a sign in front of it that reads "John E. Foust(1861-1926) moved to Grapevine in 1880 and started a general merchandise store which stocked coffins.  He gradually added other services and with the help of his wife Daisy(Huitt)(1876-1963) established a funeral company.  A civic leader, Foust also assisted in the development of other area businesses.  His son John E. Foust, II(1898-1978), joined the firm in 1923.  Following his father's death he managed the funeral home and mercantile store until the 1960's.  For over 100 years Foust family members have served in the business and civic activities of Grapevine.

A hearse from the funeral home of the Faust family. I never noticed this was prominently displayed in the middle of the old Main Street.
Here are some of the photos I took of the enclosed hearse.  Be sure and pay attention to the last three or four.  I'm not saying they are PARANORMAL but they are interesting.  I would love to know your opinion on them.


 Now, these are the ones I want you to look at....

This is the FIRST in a series of 4 shots
back to back.  Nothing there...right?

Still nothing...

But wait!!!  What could these be??  Do you
see the "orbs" at the top of the picture and one in the middle?

Same picture not but one second later!
If the above picture was a reflection, then WHY
didn't it do it on this one?  Just saying...
And not only that...but take a GOOD LOOK at
the picture with the orbs in it, do you see the dark "shadow"
that looks like a reflection in the drivers seat?  No one was
behind me because no one else FOUND the hearse in the
middle of town NEARLY as interesting as I did!!!  LOL

Who really knows about these photos?  It is hard to say because it is does reflect off the windows.  But either way, I wanted to share them with you guys.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What is up with the 6 th photo? First thing I saw was what looks like a man with curly hair. I don't know if it is a mirror image of someone that was nearby and it is just a reflection on the glass.Interesting though.