So, I wasn't going to talk about this because I don't know how much "stock" I put in it. But in today's world of technology I guess just about anything is possible. So lets talk Ghost Apps for Iphones and Ipads.
The other day I was just goofing off and found this app for your Iphone. There are several apps for ghost hunting but I read and read reviews to try and find out which one was the best. So, the one I found with the most reviews and the best reviews was the Ghost Hunter M2. It is a little "dorky" because when you first turn it on, it plays cheesy thunder and lightening sounds...but oh well.
I think it cost $ .99 but to me it is way worth the $.99 in entrainment. Ok. Here is my brief encounter with the M2 so far...
The very first day I downloaded it at work. I didn't really know how to use it. But it looked fun and interesting. I went home and was just sitting in the living room and decided to turn it on.. So, I turned it on and just put it on the chair and continued just to relax and watch tv. Nothing was happening...the radar was going around and around but no "blimp" on it at all and no words where showing. After about 30 mins all the sudden... the radar starts going off and there was a little blue light on the radar. I thought...huummmm interesting....and then....(because it has sound) it said "Rebecca" and the word "Rebecca" shows up on the screen!!! NO WAY!!! Now...... I wish I could say that being a Ghost Hunter that I thought this was way cool....but the truth is...... I thought "What the ???????" It scared the crap out of me! lol I know, I know, I am suppose to lie and say it didn't but it DID!!!!
Now, I don't know if everyone knows this but Becky(my name) is short for Rebecca!!! Oh, NOW I have your I didn't really know what to I did the bravest thing I could think of...........I TURNED IT OFF!!!!! How could it know my name??? It couldn't be retrieving names from your phones account because my cell phone is in Becky. huuummm
But that's not all of gets better... So, I didn't think anything else about the app and later just went on to bed. I'm not sure what time it was....but if I were guessing it was about 2 or 3am that morning and I was awaken by my phone going off with that "blimping" sound. I, of course just waking up from a dead sleep was like.....what is that?????? I picked up my phone and INSTANTLY could see the M2 radar with a red dot on the radar(meaning STRONG presence). Well, I just thought...."oh that darn little app" and turned it off and went back to sleep. Again, I was already asleep or I would have thought more of it. Not even realizing that I had turned it off earlier that day.
For those of you who have Iphones, you know that if you have a password on your phone you can not get into your phone or your apps until you physically punch in your password and THEN you have to touch the app you want to open.....
So, the next morning I got to thinking about it, and there just is know way possible I could have picked up my phone and INSTANTLY saw that RADAR. I would have had to enter my password and THEN go into the app itself! And when I picked up my phone the radar was already up!!! I don't really know what to think about this little app but when I went to Galveston to met Britt from Ghost Hunters International almost
everyone there had this app. But there where a lot of people that had never been on an investigation before so they could just be downloading anything.
I have included a link below that talks about the app and explains how to use it. I thought it was good so I wanted to share it with you, so that it would give you a better understanding of what I was looking at and hearing.
I would love to know if anyone else has used or heard of this app. If you have please tell me about your experience so I won't feel so crazy.
I have used this app in an real investigation and.....well.....some of the "words" were pretty impressive as far as being related to the questions we asked.
Sorry this is sooooo long, but it is hard to write about experiences and try to give you all the details. I will say that since then, I have just turned it on a time or two and it does through out random words. But I guess, to me anyway, Rebecca is a pretty WEIRD word to through out there! What do you think?
Below are a few FUN apps to check out(2014). These are on my Ipad and I am still playing around with them. Right now the Ghost Radar apps SEEM to have peaked my interest along with the one that says"
Paranormal". Not to sure about the Boo seems a little cheesy so far. And the Thermal Camera is pretty cool to.
You guys let me know what you think and if you have found some I need to check out let me know. :)
The other day I was just goofing off and found this app for your Iphone. There are several apps for ghost hunting but I read and read reviews to try and find out which one was the best. So, the one I found with the most reviews and the best reviews was the Ghost Hunter M2. It is a little "dorky" because when you first turn it on, it plays cheesy thunder and lightening sounds...but oh well.
I think it cost $ .99 but to me it is way worth the $.99 in entrainment. Ok. Here is my brief encounter with the M2 so far...
The very first day I downloaded it at work. I didn't really know how to use it. But it looked fun and interesting. I went home and was just sitting in the living room and decided to turn it on.. So, I turned it on and just put it on the chair and continued just to relax and watch tv. Nothing was happening...the radar was going around and around but no "blimp" on it at all and no words where showing. After about 30 mins all the sudden... the radar starts going off and there was a little blue light on the radar. I thought...huummmm interesting....and then....(because it has sound) it said "Rebecca" and the word "Rebecca" shows up on the screen!!! NO WAY!!! Now...... I wish I could say that being a Ghost Hunter that I thought this was way cool....but the truth is...... I thought "What the ???????" It scared the crap out of me! lol I know, I know, I am suppose to lie and say it didn't but it DID!!!!
Now, I don't know if everyone knows this but Becky(my name) is short for Rebecca!!! Oh, NOW I have your I didn't really know what to I did the bravest thing I could think of...........I TURNED IT OFF!!!!! How could it know my name??? It couldn't be retrieving names from your phones account because my cell phone is in Becky. huuummm
But that's not all of gets better... So, I didn't think anything else about the app and later just went on to bed. I'm not sure what time it was....but if I were guessing it was about 2 or 3am that morning and I was awaken by my phone going off with that "blimping" sound. I, of course just waking up from a dead sleep was like.....what is that?????? I picked up my phone and INSTANTLY could see the M2 radar with a red dot on the radar(meaning STRONG presence). Well, I just thought...."oh that darn little app" and turned it off and went back to sleep. Again, I was already asleep or I would have thought more of it. Not even realizing that I had turned it off earlier that day.
For those of you who have Iphones, you know that if you have a password on your phone you can not get into your phone or your apps until you physically punch in your password and THEN you have to touch the app you want to open.....
So, the next morning I got to thinking about it, and there just is know way possible I could have picked up my phone and INSTANTLY saw that RADAR. I would have had to enter my password and THEN go into the app itself! And when I picked up my phone the radar was already up!!! I don't really know what to think about this little app but when I went to Galveston to met Britt from Ghost Hunters International almost
everyone there had this app. But there where a lot of people that had never been on an investigation before so they could just be downloading anything.
I have included a link below that talks about the app and explains how to use it. I thought it was good so I wanted to share it with you, so that it would give you a better understanding of what I was looking at and hearing.
I would love to know if anyone else has used or heard of this app. If you have please tell me about your experience so I won't feel so crazy.
I have used this app in an real investigation and.....well.....some of the "words" were pretty impressive as far as being related to the questions we asked.
Sorry this is sooooo long, but it is hard to write about experiences and try to give you all the details. I will say that since then, I have just turned it on a time or two and it does through out random words. But I guess, to me anyway, Rebecca is a pretty WEIRD word to through out there! What do you think?
Below are a few FUN apps to check out(2014). These are on my Ipad and I am still playing around with them. Right now the Ghost Radar apps SEEM to have peaked my interest along with the one that says"
Paranormal". Not to sure about the Boo seems a little cheesy so far. And the Thermal Camera is pretty cool to.
You guys let me know what you think and if you have found some I need to check out let me know. :)
1 comment:
Thank you for sharing this knowledge. Incredibly enough there are apps which can be quite helpful to the enthusiastic hunter. After all in todays tech world, you can do almost anything you can think of today using your mobile device. And if you can use the benefits of that, why not? See more
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