Helloooooooo everyone!!! Man, it seems like I haven't gotten to talk with you guys in forever! LOL
I had a wonderful vacation with my family in Florida seeing Universal and Disney World. Man, I'm pooped though. :)
But what would vacation be without a little ghost hunting??? Right? Well, I didn't get to do a lot but what I DID DO I think is pretty awesome!

First- We went to Disney World where I had read that the Haunted Mansion there REALLY was haunted because it was built on the site of an actual plane crash many years ago and supposedly, the pilot of the small plane still roams the area. I had read that some of the employees had actually seen an apparition of a older man in uniform walking around. Some of the other claims from previous and current employees were that for know apparent reason the music inside the Haunted Mansion would just stop and that the ride itself would just stop and suddenly start back on its own.

Well............wouldn't you know it.....I finally talked the kids into riding this ride(and when I say KIDS...I mean teenagers), which I might add did NOT REALLY want to.... but being good sports finally agreed. All I told them about the ride was that it was "supposedly really haunted". So...we get into our little carts and we begin to go through the Mansion. As we made the first turn....all of the sudden.....the ride STOPS!!! Ok...no big deal, right? Rides stall for short periods of time all the time. Well, that was fine, except we were stopped for about 15 or 20 mins!!! Not normal. And to make it even more strange... the eerie music that played over and over as the ride goes through the house.....suddenly STOPPED to!!!! Are you kidding me??? Coincidence???? Seemed a little funny to me. HHHUUUMMM All the things that the employees said was happening.... I got to experience first hand. Well, after sitting sooooo long I decided to tell the kids about what I read.....BAD MISTAKE!!!! LOL All heck broke out! Now for them....this was serious!!! LOL They weren't scared at all till then. Oh well......
Just for the record, real quick....this ride is not at all scary! It was not what I expected. It is like a 3-D ride. But with that said, I still enjoyed seeing all the ghostly 3-D fun.
Ok...now to the really cool stuff! On our last day, Deak (boyfriend) and I got up and went to check out the Greenwood Cemetery. First....AWESOME!!!! What a beautiful place with the moss hanging from the trees. It is kept up really nice and it is huge!!! You know sometimes you get a STRANGE....feeling in cemeteries...well that is the way I felt here. Even though it was gorgeous, I just had "this feeling" can't really explain it....just that sometimes I get a really comforting feeling in cemeteries but I didn't really get that here. Not that I felt like something BAD was here...just.....UNEASY.
I have posted a video of the first place we stopped and got out and were taking pics. Check out the video. Toward the end, you will see me pan across a street then in the middle of a big clump of trees you will see a flash. I don't know how to describe it better. Anyway, when I was reviewing the video...I noticed it. My first thought was it must have been a car, but there were no other cars there. A cleaning truck came in later but we were the only ones there at this time. Anyway, I slowed the video down and can see some kind of "ORB".... I'm not really sure??? But it is interesting. It isn't a bug or bird because it is only in that one frame. If it were a bug, or bird or anything thing else, it would be in more than one frame as it left. HHHUUUUMMM Also, I captured an EVP right off the bat in the very location I shot the video. Now, the EVP is a little hard to hear....but it is a woman's/girls voice almost talking over mine....and to me it sounds like it says...."monsters". Now, I know that is a strange thing to hear, but that is what it sounds like to me. I hope to have that posted soon.
I would have loved to visited this place at night as I have read it is really active with spirits but, I also know that it is closely monitored. If you get the change to go....don't pass it up....and don't forget your recorder and camera.
And I can't leave today without a big THANK YOU for making this month the most viewed month of all time for me....over 9,000 views!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! I HAVE THE GREATEST FOLLOWERS EVER!!!! :)
JUST A FUNNY NOTE*** If any of you Geocach(a fun little game, look it up if you don't play http://www.geocaching.com/) we found a Geocach in the Greenwood Cemetery and wouldn't you know....look what we found inside!!! Must have been a sign...I was suppose to be there. LOL
I had a wonderful vacation with my family in Florida seeing Universal and Disney World. Man, I'm pooped though. :)
But what would vacation be without a little ghost hunting??? Right? Well, I didn't get to do a lot but what I DID DO I think is pretty awesome!
Just for the record, real quick....this ride is not at all scary! It was not what I expected. It is like a 3-D ride. But with that said, I still enjoyed seeing all the ghostly 3-D fun.
Ok...now to the really cool stuff! On our last day, Deak (boyfriend) and I got up and went to check out the Greenwood Cemetery. First....AWESOME!!!! What a beautiful place with the moss hanging from the trees. It is kept up really nice and it is huge!!! You know sometimes you get a STRANGE....feeling in cemeteries...well that is the way I felt here. Even though it was gorgeous, I just had "this feeling" can't really explain it....just that sometimes I get a really comforting feeling in cemeteries but I didn't really get that here. Not that I felt like something BAD was here...just.....UNEASY.
I have posted a video of the first place we stopped and got out and were taking pics. Check out the video. Toward the end, you will see me pan across a street then in the middle of a big clump of trees you will see a flash. I don't know how to describe it better. Anyway, when I was reviewing the video...I noticed it. My first thought was it must have been a car, but there were no other cars there. A cleaning truck came in later but we were the only ones there at this time. Anyway, I slowed the video down and can see some kind of "ORB".... I'm not really sure??? But it is interesting. It isn't a bug or bird because it is only in that one frame. If it were a bug, or bird or anything thing else, it would be in more than one frame as it left. HHHUUUUMMM Also, I captured an EVP right off the bat in the very location I shot the video. Now, the EVP is a little hard to hear....but it is a woman's/girls voice almost talking over mine....and to me it sounds like it says...."monsters". Now, I know that is a strange thing to hear, but that is what it sounds like to me. I hope to have that posted soon.
I would have loved to visited this place at night as I have read it is really active with spirits but, I also know that it is closely monitored. If you get the change to go....don't pass it up....and don't forget your recorder and camera.
And I can't leave today without a big THANK YOU for making this month the most viewed month of all time for me....over 9,000 views!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! I HAVE THE GREATEST FOLLOWERS EVER!!!! :)
JUST A FUNNY NOTE*** If any of you Geocach(a fun little game, look it up if you don't play http://www.geocaching.com/) we found a Geocach in the Greenwood Cemetery and wouldn't you know....look what we found inside!!! Must have been a sign...I was suppose to be there. LOL
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