


So, I couldn't let this week go by without giving a Big SHOUT OUT to my new BEST FRIENDS that came to my rescue this weekend!!!  Chuck and Cheryl Loving, Bob and Sandra Thompson and Mark and Sharon Gilmore you guys are the BEST!!!

I apologize that I just couldn't get all the evidence reviewed in time to post it this week, but be sure to stay turned as I hope to post it soon!  I don't want to give away this story on HOW we met...but you guys WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!  Heck....I STILL DON'T believe it!!! LOL  It is an amazing story of how people JUST suddenly show up in our lives.  We were ALL brought together for some reason.... in a particular place...... at a particular time...I NEEDED them and I think they needed me to!!! :)  Find out where we were and how our night ended up..... 

Anyway, I will write all about it next week along with pictures and hopefully some great EVP'S.

Again, thanks guys.....I really enjoyed meeting you all and looking forward to doing it again soon!!!

What happened to cause this kind of reaction???
Find out next week!


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