


HI GUYS!!!! Did you think I forgot you???  NO!!! NEVER!!! I am sooo sorry I am posting this a day late but I was on the road yesterday to Austin and was unable to post.  BUT hopefully I can make it up to you with today's subject.

My friend, Karen and I had to attend a conference this week for work, but you know me....I'm in class thinking about what is the closet haunted place around for me to get into. hahaha  Anyway, we found an amazing old cemetery with tons of history!  Not to mention.....great spirits!!!!!!!!!

The Oakwood Cemetery is the oldest city-owned cemetery in Austin.  Legend states that the first tenants were victims of a Comanche attach, whose bodies were laid to rest on the same hill in the 1850's.  Later on, dead paupers, who were used in medical experiments, were buried in unmarked graves on the cemetery's south side.  The locals also say that in some cases, just body parts from the medical experiments were tossed over into holes and covered up.  YUCK!

In addition, graves without permanent markers were subject to reburial after a certain period of time.  The cemetery is in great need of a little TLC.  Decaying graves, vandalism and crime are all apparent in the cemetery.  Although, I will say, that when we were here today, the city workers appeared to be trying to clean it up a bit. The cemetery is located generally southeast of the intersection of IH 35 and Martin Luther King Boulevard (MLK). Access to the cemetery can be gained from East 16th Street on the west side and from midway between MLK and East 14th Street on Comal Street on the east side. But let me also say....this place is beautiful in spots.  Lots of trees and some of the most unusual headstones I have ever seen.

Now, it was kinda' late when we were there, so we had to walk around the fence and try and get pics anyway we could.  I will say that at night, this place TOTALLY has the creep factor!!!!!  I got a couple of good EVP's that I hope to post later.  One was at the entrance of the Beth Israel Cem.(by the way, I think it is really unusual to see the word CEMETERY abbreviated when it is the entrance to a cemetery...just sayin')  I asked the question "were you not suppose to be buried with the cemetery because you were from Russia or Poland"?  And I got a young lady's voice that said "WE WERE NOT ALLOWED". Really made me realize how far we have come from THOSE days. is some of the pics we took.  Nothing just to exciting but some really good orbs.  I am working on how to get inside THAT cemetery to really spend some time there at night!!!!!!!

Be sure to check out the post before this one that shows this awesome cemetery in the day!  Enjoy and see you next week......and I'll be on time!!! LOL
No.......I wouldn't try to SNEAK in...
You know me better than that. lol

Notice all the orbs near the ground.  Is
this the remains of the medical experiments.
Notice the orbs are gone. Only 2 secs passed
between shots.

The fence to divide the rich from the poor.
Nice orb.

Asking a spirit to come near me.

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