



I normally would not promote a medium unless I know of them personally or about them in depth.  I have followed Theresa Caputo-The Long Island Medium on TLC since she started on TV.  I love her!

I had the opportunity to attend one of her shows last night and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt I believe she is able to communicate with our deceased loved ones.  She was able to deliver unbelievable messages to some folks that I believe really needed them for their healing process.  I had hoped and prayed to communicate with my grandfather but after attending her show I realized that the people she read had suffered tremendous losses and many in very violent ways so I think my Nan(I called my grandfather Nan) knew this so he stepped back so that these spirits could come through with their healing messages.  That's just the kind of man my grandfather was.

Anyway if you get the chance to see Theresa GO!!!!  I don't think you will be disappointed.  Watching her was very powerful and many times there wasn't a dry eye in the house and other times she had us in stitches!  I just wanted to share that with you guys.  I'll see you on Tuesday. :)

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