


Below are photo's that I took during this year's American Ghost Society Conference in Decatur, Illinois and again this year IT did NOT disappoint!!!   The photo's below are inside the Haunted Lincoln Theater around 12:00am.  The photo's are of a staircase that reportedly is haunted by a spirit named Red.  He was a stagehand that fell asleep at the top of the stairs, and fell to his death!  You can read about the tragic history of this Theater at
At the top of the stairs, many people have reported feeling scared....and heard loud voices.  Possibly actors who had preformed at the theater....... maybe talking with Red???  Who knows.  But I can tell you that I watched a couple go up the stairs and RUN back down just freaking out that they heard voices right by them!!!!!!!!!
Below are the photo's I took of them RUNNING back down the stairs screaming!  The girl was in front coming down as fast as she could and she was physically shaking!  She just kept screaming "SOMEONE IS UP THERE.......SOMEONE IS UP THERE............"!!!!!! And the guy was RIGHT behind her carrying a flashlight.  So I just started snapping pictures of them.  The pictures came out pretty blurry because of how fast they were coming back down the stairs.
Well, none of that is really that out of the ordinary.....right?  When someone is scared...... they run. But that ISN'T what I found strange!!!!!  Check out the pictures at the bottom.  Photos 1-5 are just pictures of the staircase but there is an Orb in pic 4 that is in the exact spot that something VERY STRANGE was caught on camera.  Also, the other photos 1-5 have a bright Orb at the top of the stairs where Red was to have fallen asleep and fell off. I want you to take a GOOD look at photo 6.  This is the original photo of the couple running back down the stairs in fear.  As I was going over the photo's, and I came to this one, and INSTANTLY thought..........WAIT!!!!!!...........What the heck???????????  I was standing there watching these TWO people come down the stairs.......but yet.....there are THREE people in this photo????  Who WAS the third person?????  I can assure you there were only TWO on those stairs at the time.  You can see what I saw in pic 7.  I was sooooo excited about capturing this figure on camera I couldn't wait to show it to Luke and Adam, two guys who have been in this field for many years and have been involved with Troy Taylor from the very beginning of the AGS conference and I would consider them PROFESSIONALS.  They where VERY impressed and wanted me to send them the photo to analysis it further. 
Now, as if the photo isn't enough, when you add HEAT IMAGING you can clearly see....there are three area's detected.  Or two people and an unknown spirit.......
Luke said that the photo was really interesting because it was as if someone was standing BEHIND the stairs because you can see the stairs visibly in front of the figure.   To looks like a sailor uniform.......and one of the main performers at the Lincoln was Bob Hope who did a skit in a sailor suit.  Luke seems to see a man in a shirt with a tie, and in slacks.  What do you see???  Whether a sailor or a man in a shirt and tie, you can't deny that something or someone was on those stairs.
This was an awesome time and I can't wait to go back next year!!!  I'll be posting more from the conference......just as exciting as this!!!!!  Stay tuned.....
Photo 1-The staircase where
Red died.
Photo 2 - Orb in location
of figure.
Photo 3-Staircase

Photo-4-Orb in the EXACT spot
the figure was.

Photo 5-Orb at the top of the staircase.
Photo 6-The original photo of the couple
running down the stairs.

Photo 8-Original photo with Heat Imaging

Photo 7- First the guy at the top of the
stairs with a flashlight in white, the girl
is coming down in a pink shirt and green
shorts, and the figure in white at the very
bottom of the stairs.

Photo 9-After Heat Imaging is applied.
Cropped and blown up.


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