


So, another great photo from the AGS Conference in Decatur.  This is Luke Naliborski.  Yes, that is his REAL name.  LOL  I have known Luke for years and part of the Troy Taylor team that puts on the conference.  Luke has been co-writer of a couple of paranormal books with Troy and others but now FINALLY he has written his own about his own experiences.

So I was talking to Luke about his book because I am also writing a book and hope someday to have it published as well.  So, you guys better buy one!!!  Oh subject....ok.....back..... so anyway, I told Luke I would buy his book but he had to sign it and get his picture taken with me holding his book.  He was sitting behind a table so he said ok but let's get away from everyone, so we stepped over to the side, where no one was and Luke had one of his friends take our picture. you can see......a VERY STRANGE thing showed up in our picture.  I thought it was an Orb in motion but one of Luke's friends said it looked more like a ROD.  Again, as I previously wrote about, this was a term I was unfamiliar with.

Rods are like orbs except for their shape. Also, rods seem to leave a tail of light behind them as they streak across the film area. Believers say that a rod is an intense amount of energy a type of strange bug we can´t see with our eyes or even beings of another dimension, also known as ultra-terrestrials. Many believe that a rod is proof of the existence of the paranormal because rods seem to leave a trail of light behind them and they seem to travel at very fast speeds. Rods are also captured mostly on moving film and camcorders. Rods are also known as energy rods, light rods and swimmers.

Whatever it is....I LOVE IT!!!!!  The stranger.... the BETTER for me!!!!!

The Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois

Troy Taylor and me.  Yes, I
know I look like crap but I was up
all night ghost give me a break :)

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