


So, the American Ghost Conference was another GREAT success this year!!!  I love this conference.  It is held in Decatur, Illinois by Troy Taylor.  I have made some great friends over the years at this conference.
Ok.  I am going off track from tonight's subject but I couldn't help it, I just had to show you guys some of the AMAZING pics I got!!!
Below is a picture of me and Luke Naliborski.  I met Luke years back at one of the first AGS conferences when it was held in Alton, Illinois.  Luke works with Troy and they both are really nice guys.  Below is one of the first pics I want to share with you guys....I am SOOOO excited about it!  Luke has just written and published his first book.  LIGHTS OUT-MORE TRUE TALES OF GHOSTS FROM THE LIGHTER SIDE OF DARKNESS.  CONGRATS LUKE!!!!!

Anyway, back to my story.  I was talking to Luke about his book and told him I would buy one if he would sign it for me.  He said sure, but because there were so many people around we stepped over to the side and one of Luke's friends took our picture. can see for wasn't just ME and LUKE....we had company!  When I looked at the picture I couldn't believe it!!!  I couldn't WAIT to show Luke and see what he thought about it.  Luke and a couple of the other guys that I consider professionals in the field of paranormal were VERY INTERESTED in it.  They could not explain it and one of the guys said he didn't think it was an ORB it was a ROD.  This was a term I had never heard before.   Rods are like orbs except for their shape. Also, rods seem to leave a tail of light behind them as they streak across the film area. Believers say that a rod is an intense amount of energy a type of strange bug we can´t see with our eyes or even beings of another dimension, also known as ultra-terrestials. Many believe that a rod is proof of the existence of the paranormal because rods seem to leave a trail of light behind them and they seem to travel at very fast speeds. Rods are also captured mostly on moving film and camcorders. Rods are also known as energy rods, light rods and swimmers.  Whatever THEY are they look cool!!!  Now, Luke....he wasn't that excited about IT going right through his neck! lol

The pictures below are just pics of orbs.  Nothing to exciting but a cool picture.  Be sure and read the other stories and more GREAT pictures.               

Congrats Luke on your first book!!!  Hope
to have mine published one of these days.
A bit blurry, but found this photo to be  interesting.
An Orb in motion.  Love it!

Same theater, same time just a
different angle. No orb.

Same theater, same time as
orb photo.  No orb.

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