

EVP/Video-Jefferson Texas-Room 5

Ok I LOVE this EVP!!!!   IT is creepy and scary...... This is in room 5 at the haunted Jefferson Hotel
in room 5.  We had just come into the room to set up for an investigation.  If you listen right at the very end of this video you will hear a VERY CLEAR voice say...."Their Here".  This was not the only EVP we caught in this room.  One of our team members( the one who was actually staying in this room) left her video recorder going while we all went to dinner and when she played it back she caught what I believe to be the same exact voice saying "Shut the door".  There are logs that the hotel keeps and this is one of the things people say they here in room 5...."SHUT THE DOOR".  As soon as I get a copy of it, I will post it for you.  If you by chance have a pair of headsets it sounds a lot better and WAY CREEPY.  Just plug them into your computer and see.....

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