

Queen Mary-Haunted???

On the Queen Mary and the picture behind me is of Queen Mary herself.
The Queen Mary at Night.  We made a friend.

Orb in the bottom(hull)part of the Queen Mary.

View of the swimming pool in the Queen Mary.
Hall going to were lots of activity has been reported by the pool area.
Wait!!! Was that there before????

One of the most beautiful  ships I have ever seen.

Orb in the hull of Queen Mary.

Orb to the right and yes that is me to the left. haha

Hi everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man....what a year!!!  I don't know how this new year could get any better than the last...but come on 2013!!!!!!!!!!
I have posted some really cool pictures of the Queen Mary on Long Beach,CA.  What a ship!  This is one of the most beautiful ships I have ever been on.  I am hoping to make another trip back to spend the night on the Queen Mary in February.  Can't wait....all night ghost hunting! let me tell you a little about the Queen Mary.
In 1936, upon her Maiden Voyage, she was considered one of the grandest ocean liner ever built.  During her heyday, she was considered the only civilized way to travel.  With the outbreak of WWII, she was transformed into a troopship overnight.  By the end of the war, "The Gray Ghost", as she was fondly called, had carried more than 800,000 troops, traveled more than 600,000 miles and played a significant role in virtually every major Allied campaign.  Retired in 1967, she was purchased by the City of Long Beach and has remained an icon for the city for over 40 years.
Ok, now the good stuff.....the haunting's....and ghost of the Queen Mary.
Over the past 60 years, the Queen Mary has been the site of at least 49 reported deaths, not to mention having gone through the terrors of war, so it comes as no surprise that spectral spirits of her vivid past continue to walk within her rooms and hallways.

Located 50 feet below water level is the Queen Mary's engine room, which is said to be a hotbed of paranormal activity. Used in the filming of the Poseidon Adventure, the room's infamous "Door 13" crushed at least two men to death, at different points during the ship's history. The most recent death, during a routine watertight door drill in 1966, crushed an 18 year-old crew member. Dressed in blue coveralls and sporting a beard, the young man has often been spied walking the length of Shaft Alley before disappearing by door #13.

Two more popular spots for the Queen’s other worldly guests are its first and second class swimming pools. Though neither are utilized today for their original purpose, spirits seemingly are not aware of that. In the first class swimming pool, which has been closed for more than three decades, women have often been seen appearing in 1930’s style swimming suits wandering the decks near the pool. Others have reported the sounds of splashing and spied wet footprints leading from the deck to the changing rooms. Some have also spied the spirit of a young girl, clutching her teddy bear. I loved this place.  it is very creepy and you kinda get a feeling you are not alone near the pool area.  Really wanted to spend more time here.
In the second class poolroom, the spirit of another little girl named Jackie is often been seen and heard. The unfortunate girl drowned in the pool during the ship’s sailing days and reputedly refused to move on, as her voice, as well as the sounds of laughter has been captured here.

In the Queen’s Salon, which once served as the ship’s first-class lounge, a beautiful young woman in an elegant white evening gown has often been seen dancing alone in the shadows of the corner of the room.

If you ever get the chance...visit this ship!  It is amazing!!!!

FYI-  I have posted upcoming topics in the side bar under upcoming events/topics so check those out and again...thanks for reading my blog :)




  1. I just recently visited the Queen Mary and have a picture of an orb in almost the same location. I would be happy to email it to you if you would like to take a look at it.

  2. Thank you. That would be great! Could you email me your photo at


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