

Can ghosts follow you home?

Posting Early....will not be available to post tomorrow on Tuesday.

Hi here's the question.....Can ghosts follow you home?  I could "dance around" the answer... but let me be blunt.  The answer is YES.  It is not common, but it CAN happen.  Now, with that being said lets talk about it.

There are reports of individuals having a particular ghost or spirit follow them home.  Some ghosts and spirits can attach themselves to objects, individuals, and or families.  Some people have reported taking something from a site that is said to be haunted....lets say something as simple as a stone from a building and suddenly finding that they have "bad luck" or unusual "things" just start happening.  Coincidence?  Maybe or maybe not.  Some people report purchasing an antique that has a ghost attached to it and it follows them home.  A ghost is not bound to a certain location, only drawn there because it was of significance to them when they were living.

I believe that sometimes ghosts or spirits will attach themselves to a person or family because they have been angered in some way..... but I also believe that sometimes a ghost or spirit may follow you home because they like you.  Sounds crazy? Well, think about it.  Do you want to be around people that are nice to you?  I think it is the same for spirits.  Lets say you have a location that is said to be haunted by a little girl.  Parents died tragically and she was left all alone and eventually dies herself.  You may have "people" that want to come investigate for the sheer purpose of making fun of ghosts or spirits.....then you have someone "like you and I, the GOOD ghost hunters" (LOL) that truly care about what happened to the souls of this location.  So, what do we do....we talk as if we were talking to a child (no tauting) and we offer candy or we bring toys with us for the spirit to play with.  This little lost soul of the little girl has been lonely for so long and now someone wants to talk to her and play, she doesn't want you to leave.  So, she "attaches" herself and follows you home where she can be with you always.  So, there you go....instant new daughter! LOL  Also, beware of buying "used" objects as the same principle may apply.  Except, they may love the OBJECT and NOT you.

Now, this doesn't mean ghosts are just waiting to hitch-a-ride home with you, so don't start to worry yet.  But sometimes, you may "invite" them in by accident....say by using a Ouija Board.  You may be trying to contact with your departed loved one but that may NOT be who comes through.  If it decided it likes, or can manipulate you , it may just stay.....and LETS BE CLEAR...the spirit that decides it wants to stay through Ouija Board may not be very nice at all.  So, this is nothing to play around with, so if you ARE going to use a Ouija Board be sure and take measures to protect yourself.  And just for the record, I NEVER AND WILL NEVER USE A OUIJA BOARD!!!

Lets talk about how to protect yourself from a spirit (good or bad) from attaching itself to you and following you home. Before and after say a prayer that says the ghosts or spirit is not allowed, or welcome to follow any of us home, and they need to stay at the location.  I take this very seriously, as we all have families, and friends that do not want a ghost to follow them home.  I believe you will start to see this more and more on all the TV Paranormal shows.

It seems that ghosts hunting has become quite popular over the last several me....I was doing it when everyone thought I was crazy!!!  And if you have been doing this for any length of time, you know what I'm talking about.  "Hey.....lets go catch a movie and dinner".......sorry I can't, I'm going to go set in a cemetery for hours with a flashlight and see what happens.  LOLLLL

The metaphysical dangers of an investigation are real and should be taken seriously.  If it were only the physical and emotional thing to worry about, then this field of study could be done by almost anyone....but that's not the case.  Sometimes things we are looking for are there, and more often than not these things can and do follow us home at the end of the night.  This is where the dangers come in.

I believe it is my duty to tell you while ghost hunting can be very exciting, scary, and mind blowing, there are dangers.  Yes, anyone can grab a recorder, ask a question and get a response.  And yes, if you do not know how to protect yourself, anyone can have their lives turned upside down by unseen forces. I cannot express enough how important it is, if you want to become an investigator or you want to get involved in the paranormal, that you go with a team that has years of experience and is fully aware of the dangers out there and how to conduct themselves professionally and, most of all, safely.

So, is it possible for a ghost to follow you home? Yes.  Is it rare? Yes.  Do I want you to stop investigating because your scared...NO.  Just take precautions and you should be fine.

Now, enough with all the serious stuff.  For myself, personally it is one of the most rewarding and fun things I do.  I love it with all my heart and will continue to research and look for answers in the field of paranormal. I look at it like any "sport" or hobby....playing professional football you have to watch out for the big, bad, muscle guy that is going to nail you on the field possibility breaking your bones.  I have to watch out for the "dead people"......the ones that like to play tricks on you or even some having a bad attitude.  Oh well....I'm still "IN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great week everyone and of course, I would love your feedback either by posts or emails. :)


  1. I was born a believer never had to think twice about it. I've had many experiences of my life and more recently started doing paranormal investigation. They are thrilling I love doing them however I sometimes wonder if I should as I was followed home after the last one. I will disagree with your sitting in a graveyard because that is not where higher energy resides – They do not want to hang out with corpses or sad residual energy and the lower energies are present so I would warn people to stay away from graveyards and to practice protection before and after an investigation. Thanks for your post

  2. I totally agree with you katwoman! Protection should always come first before the "thrill" of capturing something on film or having a persnal experience with the paranormal. Great comment. Thank you. :)


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