

New Year Site Changes-2013

Hi everyone.  Hope you all had a great Christmas!

I know I have not been posting a lot lately, but with the holidays and doing the show for the Bio Channel I've just been snowed under!  Sorry.  My plan is to start out the new year with more dedication to my stories and my followers.  So I need your help.  Here are a couple of ideas I am planning on, PLEASE let me know what you think about them and if you have ANY SUGGESTIONS please don't be afraid to let me know them to!  I love it when my followers recommend things for me to try or to investigate. here's a couple of changes.....First.....for my followers that are in other countries, please notice I have added a TRANSLATE button at the top left, under the Video button.  Now you can convert my blog into your language. YEAH!!!!  How fun is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Next, you will notice at the top in the left corner I have added a poll.  My plan is on the same day once a week.  What do you think?  It may be hard sometimes, but that is what I am shooting for.  Also, I thought I would try and come up with a list of topics that I want to discuss with you guys.  Now, sometimes, I may change it up a bit if I have done an investigation and there are things I want to share with you about that.  But I thought you guys might like to know what I am going to be posting on the upcoming weeks.  So, if you would take the poll and answer yes or no, or you don't really care it would help me a lot.  Thanks in advance. :)

I am also, hoping to post more polls to get feedback from my viewers.  I want to try get you guys to interact, it helps me soooo much, since you guys don't like to leave comments....haha. 

Plus, here's the biggie......................I am considering doing a once a month webinar.  It would be live and interactive and that way you guys could ask me questions and we could talk one on one.  Thought I could talk about how to use different equipment and show you guys how to do an investigation.  Havent' decided on that for sure yet.  But it sounds like it could be fun.  We could talk about what ever you guys wanted to too.   Just thinking out loud. :))))

Also, please email me with any suggestions you may have that you would like to read about or are interested in.  I would love to talk about it for you.  Please email any suggestions to or .

Well if I don't talk to you guys before the new year.....have a GREAT ONE, and remember no drinking and driving!!!!  Have a SAFE New Year!!!!!!!  And THANK YOU ALL again for all the support you have given me on my blog and the support over the years of all my crazy GHOST stuff!!!  Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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