OMG!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FINALLY OCTOBER!!!!! My favorite time of year!!!!!! I love it!!!!
Ok. Back to business....White Rock Lake, Dallas, Tx. This beautiful lake is located just north-east of Dallas. Now, I have heard about White Rock Lake for years and the story of the "lady in white" that supposedly haunts it shores. And it could just be me.....but almost every HAUNTED location has a "lady in white" apparition associated with it, so I have never put much stock into the haunting........until NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A friend and fellow team member who lives close to the lake offered to take me out to the lake and so off we went! Now, I can say night...I DON'T get a warm and cozy feeling about this lake. I don't know why...just don't.
Now, I have been investigating the paranormal for more than 30 years.....and I can honestly experience at this lake was like none other I have EVER had!!! In other words.......scared the crap out of me!!!!!! My friend John and I were riding around the lake stopping every now and then to take pictures. It was already creepy....but what happened next I will NEVER FORGET!!! We took a small road John said he had never been down before. As we pulled into a small turn around area, we saw this very long, tall structure, with windows broken out and tall narrow metal doors. It was crazy looking. John was like "what is this place? I have never seen this before". For lack of a better reminded me of like war bunkers....all in a row. It had to have at least 20 doors and windows all in a row, and at night it was WAY WAY CREEPY!!!
I said, "what do you think? Should we get out and see what this is?" John says, sure. John had been driving so he got out on the drivers side and stepped away from the car to take pictures of some sort of building that was on his side. Now, from the minute I opened the door, I had a "cold chill". What WAS this place???? I just couldn't make sense of what it would be down here at this beautiful lake??? It just didn't fit in. As I started to walk away from the car and into the moonlight that was providing me enough light to make my way over to this strange place....just as I lifted my camera to start taking pictures, I heard a noise. At first it wasn't loud and I wasn't for sure what it was. So, I put down my camera so I could listen better and see if there was......maybe a person or animal walking up to the car....but it DID NOT sound like footsteps!!!! It was something else! I turned and looked over my shoulder to see if John was hearing anything and he obviously wasn't because he was just starting to take pictures and didn't seem distracted by any noise. Is this my imagination??? Maybe I'm just edgy because we had been to some pretty scary cemeteries before we came out to the lake.I was shaking and trying to catch my breath!!! Was something trying to enter my body? Was something going to hurt me? I just didn't know! After we drove off I started to apologize to John and tell him how sorry I was that I reacted that way. I just don't scare that easy....and I can't remember one time that I wanted to run.....but this time I DID!!!! I was sooooo mad at myself for reacting that way!!! I have NEVER had that kind of experience were something UNSEEN was right in my face!!!! It was like any minute I was going to feel the breath of SOMEONE or SOMETHING on my face!!! Now, you guys don't tell anyone about that part......I am STILL the great, not scared ghost hunter!!! LOL
The next morning John called someone that worked for the property and found out what we saw was an old abandon boathouse that was built way back in 1930. I still don't understand the design of the building it just doesn't look like a boathouse at all!!! It's creepy. And yes, reports of hauntings have been reported from there. After John told about the abandon boathouse....I found the story above about Rose Stone committing suicide at the boathouse. NOW IT MAKES SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The SWISHING.............the SWISHING of WET CLOTHES!!!!!!!!! THAT IS WHAT I HEARD!!!!!!!!! Was Rose wanting me to contact her loved ones for her? Did she want me to make sure people knew where to find her body?? I don't know.....but SHE or SOMEONE else that has drown in that lake......walked right up to me in wet clothes and I will NEVER FORGET IT!!!
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